Tuesday, October 13, 2009

more dancing

please forgive my loudmouth on these. i need to work on remembering that since i'm holding the camera, everything is extra loud. but besides me, check out wyatt and his dad's moves. spectacular!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the siplakersons got talent

ok. so we're pretty sure we're going to sign wyatt up for the next round of america's got talent auditions. why? well take a look at these videos and you'll see why...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

this kid will not stop talking!

seriously. all he does is have imaginary conversations in some language we just don't understand. he's a genius!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

where has the time gone?

today, september 2nd, 2009, wyatt turned 8 months! and what comes with this 8 month birthday you ask??? how about 2 teeth, crawling all over the place, talking our ears off, cruising wherever he can get a good grip on something and standing for half hours on end! so here are a few videos of some momentous occasions...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

video footage!

ok. i know. it's been way too long since our last post. it's just such a chore to sit in front of the computer. so this one will be a short one. wyatt just started crawling the other day! it's a short video, but you get the gist. and the other is just cause he's so darn cute when he laughs! and not only that, but check out how great he is at standing on his own in his crib!

Friday, June 12, 2009

5 1/2 months!

i don't know how this happened, but wyatt is almost half a year old already! he is the most beautiful creature on earth, and we spend a lot of time just staring at him and trying our hardest to make him laugh. truly an angelic sound. silly though that may be, i can't think of a more beautiful sound. so...here are a few long awaited pictures. we've got first food, first wedding, first car trip, first amos meeting, first bottle holding, first front porch swinging...the list goes on. i'll do my best to update this more often. we've gotten a few cute videos and sound clips, so i'll try to put more of those up soon. thank you for checking in to read about wyatt. i've just now noticed the beautiful comments on our other postings. so thank you for reading!

Friday, June 5, 2009


ok. i'm obviously terrible at keeping a blog, but figured this was too big to leave out. i'll log on someday soon and post some new pictures. he's 5 months already and getting huge. but...on to the good stuff. we tried feeding him bananas the other day, and it was really exciting. at least for us. so here's a video of it so you can feel like you were there too:)